Changing the way healthcare is delivered with personalized early condition detection and management.
Health Plans
- Early identification and pre-diagnosis of four conditions: hypertension, a-fib, diabetes, and sleep apnea
- Captures data from any standard smartwatch
- Processed using proven, machine learning/AI algorithms in the member-downloaded Cardiogram app
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Healthcare Delivery
- Automated early intervention based on changes in a patient’s individual baselines for predictive and personalized treatment options
- Better post-treatment through remote monitoring and just-in-time interventions
- Manage multiple disease co-morbidities using artificial intelligence and predictive algorithms
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- Just-in-time adaptive interventions with Ecological Momentary Assessment proven in over 100 clinical research settings
- Dozens of NIH and NSF-funded studies supported, including Harvard Medical School and Johns Hopkins University
- Create your own study with no programming experience
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Trusted by over 70 health systems and universities
Most physical health conditions include both a behavioral and mental health component — these could include emotional states, diet and exercise, substance use, or treatment adherence. With so many factors to consider, digital therapeutics are a great tool for connecting patients and clinicians with customized precision healthcare.